
World of Warcraft development team

At this point in time, I am only interested in the pay model moving forward. I would play but not for the sub fee. Unfortunately this group doesnt look like the group that would be reflecting on pay models . Seeing as how they make millions from subscribers... No duh is all I have to say to your comment.
Thank god wow will never go ftp in the forseable future. More chance to sell WOW account and gold for WOW. Sub games are just so much better for so many reasons.
There is the ocasiaonal game that gets a non sub modle right, for example: GUild wars 2.
@ the end of the day blizzard has 150 million per month to work with-- so huge develpoment costs required for awesome new content regulaly isnt a problem.
Also i havent seen gold spam in wow for a year, and i play on the 2nd most pop server. When i log into Aion or wushu im flooded with gold spam, somtime chat and lfg is unusable...
So when I read that someone cant wait for WOW to go FTP I think you must sub to wow so you know what youll be missing out on.
It would be nice if the mmo community organized and took advantage of this situation.

First dont ask stupid questions. Or ones with obvious answers. If you want to advertise a feature with your question, start a blog or go to a forum and start a thread.

2ndly, the anwsers even if good are going to be exposed sooner or later. Remember its in their interest to expose information to make their product interesting. So basically they are going to talk about a few things, and they plan to expose some of those features no matter what.

So thirdly, since we can organize with point one and know that wow players get what they want without asking questions since the devs can only talk about a few things anyways... why not ask them something actually interesting about their next mmo titan. All questions should be about titan.

In the endwe get to hear about titan, and devs will still talk about what they were prepared to talk about.

