
PVP dailies with a pally

Right now it is broken especially if your playing on a PVP server. buy cheap wow accounts I was doing PVP dailies with a pally in full 495 gear and a DK with full 476 who stacked resilience came rushing down.
 Now can you guess what happened? WE both engaged this DK was doing 10k ticks from Frost Damage and 50k from frost strike and so forth. I was taking a look in my log and I was doing like 4k CS, 2k Censure (5 stacks) etc etc. THIS SHOULD OF BEEN PLAYTESTED LONG BEFORE!!!! IT TOOK THEM OVER 6 MONTHS TO FIGURE OUT WPVP THAT PVP PLAYERS ARE UNKILLABLE BY PVE PLAYERS.
 Now this is complete bullshit, as stated in MOP that PVP gear is FOR PVP Situations like Arenas, WG and BH and BGs not for WPVP both should be comparable. It's broke as hell and there is no such thing  as this becoming a serious e-sport if the situations stays. 
  Removing PVP resilience which is a broken STAT because it negates damage from everything is a good enough answer to such a dire situation. Even Riot Company Does more Balancing than Blizzard at the moment because it took 2 patches to finally figure this out LOL is a better e-sport than WOW at the moment which is hard for me to say but I stand my ground.
  Making the Field more even would be interesting and I would like to see this in the game if it's going to have a long life it has to change. 
Only in instanced pvp.  On the isle of thunder heroic raiders will reign supreme.

You shouldn't have to do pvp to do your dailies, but I shouldn't have to raid to do mine safely.  Especially PVP dailies. WoW gold buying If you are wearing the wrong gear and playing poorly enough to die to an undergeared DK now then this patch is good news for you.

