
Heroic raiding isn't easy

"Why is it acceptable for a raider in full t14 pve gear to have the same stats and resilience in arena as me in full conquest gear?"

They don't.
buy cheap wow accounts They have the same baseline stats as you (at 496), but ZERO pvp power. That's the difference maker.

"And a T15 heroic raider with upgraded gear doing pvp dailies on the isle will wipe up somebody with even <i>elite</i> conquest gear."

Maybe, but that represents a lot of time put in on their part. If they're still doing those dailies at that point, don't they deserve to be at parity with you for those dailies? Should someone having full conq automatically entitle him to the HK you assume he should be able to faceroll?

Heroic raiding isn't easy. Unless your realm has an unusually active and successful raid scene, your fears are probably a little excessive.
I understand that without pvp power conquest gear will still be better in arenas, and I applaud them lowering the barrier to entry for raiders.  The instanced pvp rules are an improvement for everyone, but especially PVE people.  For wpvp, it's not even close.  With a 53 iLvl gap between heroic gear and conquest gear we will not be "at parity."  I would require a ludicrous amount of pvp power to make up that gap, which would break arenas again.  Pve gear is already almost as good as pvp gear and the weapons are better, but with pvp gear capped and pve gear shooting for the sky it will be shooting fish in a barrel.

 I have two crazy trinkets from the shieldwall rares, how to buy WoW gold they could give these crazy pvp power / res to offset, but then they'd be mandatory for world pvp. 

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