
Given The Locals' Fondness For Kites

buy wow account today I was in a dungeon finder where 2 DPS & the healer were way overgeared, in it for valor/rep, me (mage) and the undergeared/inexperienced one kept bumping into skipped packs, wiped when we shouldn't have . where to buy wow accounts. . and it was a fun fun time, nobody got kicked, we got out of there pretty fast and a couple people wanted to go at it again. And the last few assholes I've run into have been guys that get kicked themselves (non-tanks pulling LFR) and not vote-kick-initiators.
I'd love for it all to be set up where garrosh unleashes y'shaarj onto the world to be the next xpac villain. I could see the horde releasing an old god to be something the alliance would be upset about, and it would be cool to see an old god in full force. next xpac - Azeroth post y'shaarj, like the cataclysm break in final fantasy III. phase the whole world (like northern barrens now) into a desolation landscape...we can either undo it or it becomes the world going forward.
Not necessarily a question for tomorrow's Queue (how many more can be spoilerific?), but a question none the less:
After the conclusion of the Siege of Orgrimmar, what do you think will happen with the Heart of Y'Shaarj? If the Titans couldn't destroy, I'm pretty sure we can't either.
Is Wisdom of the Four Winds more than just a game mechanic?  I ask because flight seems to occupy a strange place in Pandaria.  It seems odd that after several millenia, we have no stories about an Icarus-like figure trying to fly over the mountains and into the Vale.  The Shado-Pan, Pandaria's primary armed force, doesn't have a way of intercepting the flying bugs they fight in huge numbers every few decades, instead just waiting for them to land and fighting on foot.  The Jinyu at the village refer to the Alliance airship as a "flying whale", and Little Lu refers to Amber and Nimm's plane as a "strange bird", so it's possible that at least the Jinyu are completely unfamiliar with powered flight. buy world of warcraft accounts  Given the locals' fondness for kites, I would have expected somebody to be working on a more controlled method of flight.

