
Modern Player from World of Warcraft

This reminds me of SWG.Before the NGE, even the SWG devs started to cater towards the casual crowd cheapest World of Warcraft gold.

#1. They thought it was too hardcore for players to heal their battlewounds in the Med Centers. buy cheapest WoW gold RESULT: The Med Centers used to be a place to wait in line, socialize, trade, meet new players, and ...heal. The change rendered every Med Center in the game as just another empty building.

#2. n00bs cried about the 10 min starport wait. The devs removed the timelimit. RESULT: The starport used to be the central hub in terms of trade and commerce. Again, just another place that used to be populated.
There will always be a spectrum of players in a game. World of Warcraft accounts sell With populations in the hundreds of thousands, or even millions, its a rediculous assumption that one niche of players has any more importance or entitlement than another.  And yet, here we go with another "Us vs You" thread that neither side can win.

People who can spend every night of every week until dawn raiding content have always existed.  In the same light, people who have life obligations and different schedules have always existed as well.  So, in this regard, nothing has changed insofar as community makeup. Perhaps there is a shift in percentages, but regardless the playerbase is made up of many types of people with varying playstyles.  One group does not by its nature make it more important or worthy of ..anything.. than another.

As was mentioned, its the developers that need to have fingers pointed at them.  The players have always been there, but its the game designers who opt to shift content one way or another.  Making everything accessible to everyone pleases the greater masses and means overall increased revenue.  Its that simple.

So, can we put those stones and balls of mud down before the screaming matches start.  This tired old horse of a subject just needs to be buried.
This 800 pound game is the best example of what will happen, once you are catering to the lowest of the lowest comon denominator:
1. community doesn't excist anymore
2. crybabies will always cry till the game is as dumbed down as their CS or CoD or whatever this audience has been playing before
3. Raiding without REAL challenge is not raiding. Wanna guess which feature killed more guilds? Hardmodes or challenging raids. Just a hint its the hardmodes cause they are stupid and a waste of time. Either the raids are challenging or not if not, might at all forget about it, cause everyone regardless if hes dedicated, knows his class or willing to learn can beat the content = stupid
4. lobby game instead of a game. Yeah I think logging in hanging around in an overcrowded city waiting for instant instance popups is what MMO(RP)Gs should be all about too, no absolut not!
Whatever if the new WoW or should I say ex FPS player is here to stay, I hope they stick with WoW and don't pollute other games with their stupid crying for wowlike easymode and community drama cause they can't faceroll in real MMORPGs. If they want it easy fine, play WoW till the end of time.
Only wish just don't ruin OUR challenging games there aren't many of them outthere, so I'm hoping for some non westernized (note: dumbe ddown) asia games.

