
I loved Get Killed By Dinosaurs

This looks cool. I loved Get Killed By Dinosaurs Island, but htere just wasn't enough to do on it (I'm not a completist collector, so 10k bones wasn't really doing it for me...).
I'm all kinds of in favor of something I can wander and explore and tinker with AND get loot out of. Buying world of warcraft account Here's hoping they load this up, instead of another round of OMFG More Dailies?

A sandbox?!?! In WoW?!?! Holy playground, Batman, my prayers have been answered!!  Now if they could just give us a few sandboxes to play in to freshen up the leveling experience, they might get some subs back! WoW accounts for sale hardly sandbox, but this is obviously Bliz trying to shoehorn a kind of dynamic event system into wow like there is in Rift and GW2. I'm not convinced wow can handle it, but its nice to see Bliz being responsive for a change and trying new stuff.

I agree tlacoatl16 its nice to see them trying. Can't fault them for trying to implement new things in wow. Its just to far past its prime to really have the desired effect with the whiney masses of wow players....
Why are people shocked and and bitching when patches are released? This game is getting very old...I still sub and although I miss the game wow used to be, I don't bitch about what they put out. Either play or don't play and allow wow to follow its inevitable path. There will never be anything more ground breaking come from world of Warcraft...just be happy its still alive and doing well enough to want to sub to it.

